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Posted by ame in SE


Visitors from foreign countrys:

I'm glad you came from abroad. Thank you!!
I have a favor to ask of you.
Please do not use any images ( artworks on my site) on your site without permission.
At least, I hope you write an artists proper credits when you post it.


Hello! Thank you your comment!
I'm glad you seem to like it^ヮ^ノ
This is just my image, but I think Soul might hate the cold.



Thanks for your advice!
Yes, I've known.
When I search "soul maka" on youtube, I sometimes find my fan art.
But I'm surprised that uploaded fan art is so much on tumbler.
to be sure, it seems to be a fan art without permission of artist.
Ummm...this is just my personal opinion, but unless commercial use or they lied about the artist, I had not cared it until now.
But I should not ignore this problem.
As you said, the uploading without permission is art-theft.
I know that some artists were troubled by unauthorized reproduction.
In particular, it is a crime to distribute sold item like a dojinshi.
Maybe some people are not conscious of having performed a bad action, so we must advise them to stop uploading without permission.
However, I am glad that there is a person warning them as you.
Thank you!!
I'll warn it with blog, too.


Posted by Baph at 2013.01.24 09:28 | Edit

How not like your drawings?! ^o^
I haven't thought about what they could feel about weather or another subjects, really.. I would like if the autor show a profile of some characters intead =/ [I don't like think at something and then the manga show I'm wrong T.T].

Is he looking into the fridge, right?
I tried to draw Maka and Soul looking the fridge once but I failed...

About the images, the place where I usually see them is on tumblr, but lately they always post the original link [they didn't before, but a lot of people know your work and asked for the source]. I've seen it too on deviantART, but people quickly report it like stolen art.
I guess I don't know knowledge about this on another websites.

Posted by olgiebear at 2013.01.24 12:50 | Edit

Yeah, some people don't know that many artists don't want their work posted or don't know the artist so it's good to tell them.
However, some people will continue to post other peoples art without a source, even when informed that what they are doing is wrong and I find it so disrespectful. Sadly, there isn't much that can be done about them.

I really hope your message/warning will help. ^^ Especially since it's written in English so a language barrier is no excuse.

I know some artists have stopped posting online or removed images due to art-theft (such as Miya Katsura, I believe?) and I'd be really sad to see you leave since you are my favorite Soul Eater fanartist. UvU

Anyways, hope you're having a great day!
It's so cold in Canada...U~U. Hopefully it's not too freezing where you are.

Posted by olgiebear at 2013.01.24 12:51 | Edit

P.S - It seems I got the comments to work again. I wonder why?
Either way, I'm glad I can send messages to you here again. :)

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