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Posted by ame in 他版権


Thank you for your comment about picture!
A blur is very useful because can simplify a detail and make distance easily.

Surely, a profile of character isn't many, so my image might be wrong^^;

Yes! It's a fridge!
Oh, you like this?(by your comment on twitter) I'm glad^^ Thank you!
That angle is hard, isn't it?  But I want to draw for practice.

I was relieved to hear it.
As for me, the upload without permission isn't a problem, unless commercial use or unless writing false about artists.
Maybe someone of they who want to watch foreign fanart would have no way of finding without share site like a tumbler.
But you know that's some artist's having art thielves problems.
I thought that I had to write to give a warning.

Humm...it's difficult problem(-_-;)

Yes, I know that Katsura Miya was troubled about this problem.
Her arts are still in almost on share site.

But the upload without permisson is not just a foreign problem.
I found that someone uploaded my picture as one's own in pixiv.
It's difficult to solve(-_-;)
I hope that my message will help.

Oh, take care not to catch a cold!
Here isn't cold compared with Canada, but I can't leave from stove><

I'm glad you can send again!^^



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